
Airtable Scripting and HTTP Communication

Airtable Scripting and 3rd Party API ( WikiData & SteamGridDB)

I am currently working on an Airtable base; which basically manages the information of SteamDeck title from various platforms. The purpose of this note, is to highlight the means through which Airtable makes HTTP communication with 3rd Party APIs.

HTTP Communication in Airtable

HTTP Communication can be handled through the use of the following:

  1. Fetch API (Client)
  2. remoteFetchAsync (Fetch via node)

As noted the Fetch API refers to the Native API by the browser, this is a new interface that makes it easy to make XMLHttpRequests while remoteFetchAsync is useful for API that have CORS (Cross Origin Restriction Sandbox)

For more information about the differences, click on this link


Here is a screenshot of the application

Airtable Community


Airtable Fetch Demo

Here is a code snippet making HTTP Calls to WikiData API and the SteamGridDB API

Fetch with Wikidata API

            const cell = await input.recordAsync("Select the Game ID",
                fields: ['Game']
            const cellValue = cell?.getCellValue('Game');

            let wikiDataURI = `${cellValue}.json?flavor=dump`

            let response = await fetch(wikiDataURI)

            const jsonData = await response.json();

            // Write the data into the field
            const entity = jsonData.entities[cellValue];

remoteFetchAsync with SteamGridDB API

            const resultData = await remoteFetchAsync(`${record?.getCellValue('SteamGrid ID')}`,{
                // @ts-ignore
                headers: {
                    'Authorization':` Bearer ${config.steamgriddb}`,
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                method: 'GET'

            await resultData.json().then((data) => {
                const entity =;
                //We need to fetch all
            },(error) => {



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